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An example of iTalki's AI lesson summary?

Reddit's r/iTalki has quite a few posts about iTalki's upcoming iTalki Pro. Piecing together various posts: the teacher and student can allow iTalki to record the class, and the AI generates a ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Might students using ChatGPT to learn languages develop a kind of "ChatGPT accent"?

Students (like me) who use ChatGPT for second-language learning may pick up some of ChatGPT's idiosyncrasies. E.g., ChatGPT changes my 很多 to 许多, and I've kind of adopted this into my writing style. ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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How has iTalki, etc., been impacted by the advent of ChatGPT?

I'm curious as to how foreign-language online teaching sites/apps like iTalki have been impacted by ChatGPT and generative AI. Question: How has iTalki, etc., been impacted by the advent of ChatGPT? A ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Am I using the right approach to expand my english vocabulary?

The process of acquiring new English words, idioms, phrases, and expanding one's vocabulary is most effectively achieved through a method known as contextual learning. This method involves learning ...
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