As several other questions have pointed out, graded readers are a good type of material for extensive reading. Where can I find graded readers in Swedish?
2 Answers
You can check out this webpage that offers books in easy Swedish sorted into three levels of difficulty.
Let me quote the website about the different levels:
Nivå 1
I nivå 1 dominerar ofta bilderna och det är lite eller mycket lite text.
Nivå 2
I nivå 2 texterna längre. Men handlingen är enkel och väl disponerad, ord är >välkända, meningarna förhållandevis korta.
Nivå 3
Nivå 3 kräver ett större ordförråd. Här har språket har bisatser och och det >kan förekomma metaforer, meningarna är längre. Nivån är lämplig för läsare som >är på väg mot den "vanliga" litteraturen.
Personally I have only tried Level 3 which contains easier version of classics for example Anna Karenina. If you try the other levels you could comment and add your impressions.
Thanks. Could you please expand your answer a bit by adding what the three levels are and what the content of the books is? (E.g. do the books only contain texts? Footnotes? A glossary? Exercises even?)– Tsundoku ♦Commented Feb 10, 2018 at 19:10
The German publisher Compact Verlag has a few "Lernkrimis" ("crime novels for [language] learning") in Swedish:
- One for level A1: Mordet på fjorden.
- Two for level A2: Döden i Göteborg and Den blodiga stranden (the latter also has a CD with an audio-book version of the story).
These books contain vocabulary explanations on the same page as the text, a glossary, exercises to test text understanding and new vocabulary and notes on grammar.
The German publisher Harald Holder Verlag published Tösen från Stormyrtorpet / Das Mädchen vom Moorhof by Selma Lagerlöf in a bilingual Swedish-German version. The description claims that Lagerlöf's simple language makes the book accessible to less advanced learners.