Indonesian Language Stack Exchange is not a thing. Do you know any places where learners can ask questions about the Indonesian language?
Any reasonable reasons for downvoting, downvoter? This is absolutely on-topic.– Константин ВанCommented Apr 29, 2022 at 12:20
I didn't downvote the question but I suspect the downvote was because "good" is simply too subjective. Could you rephrase your question to include more objective criteria instead of "good"?– Tsundoku ♦Commented May 2, 2022 at 9:23
@Tsundoku I see; it was just a filler word. If that’s the case, I just removed the “good” as it doesn’t necessarily need to be good.– Константин ВанCommented May 2, 2022 at 14:00
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I've seen Hinative used to answer both simple and complex questions about Indonesian.
The format isn't as good as a Bahasa Indonesia stackexchange would be, but it seems ok.
Formerly, there were the duolingo forums, but apparently they've been nuked out of existence with little explanation :(
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