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Unanswered Questions

73 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to practice honorifics?

Japanese has honorifics (敬語 - "keigo"), a feature of which my native language English is devoid. For example, there is different vocabulary and grammar to use when speaking to a social superior, about ...
8 votes
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Is there a reference that classifies books on grammar according to the major type of grammar the authors espouse?

Is there a comprehensive reference that classifies books on English grammar according to the major type of grammar (reference, transformational, relational, head-driven case structure ... ) the ...
5 votes
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Is there a Russian language equivalent of

I am starting to learn Russian and I am looking for a good dictionary to use. When I learned German, was my bible. Along with long lists of every possible meaning for given a given word in ...
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High-qualilty videos for New Practical Chinese Reader

新实用汉语课本 or New Practical Chinese Reader is a series of textbooks for learning Standard Chinese published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press. There are six textbooks, containing 70 ...
5 votes
1 answer

Resources for learning the Silbo Gomero (Gomeran Whistle)

Here's a fascinating video on the Silbo Gomero, or whistled tongue of the island of Gomera in the Canary Islands of Spain. Today, it's essentially used as an encoding of Spanish that can be carried ...
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Spanish grammar books with exercises and answer key for self study

I am looking for a grammar book or series of grammar books for Spanish that match the following criteria: the book or books must be in Spanish, i.e. all grammar rules and instructions must be in ...
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Where can I find rhythm and melody for modern spoken Greek?

I am interested in working on rhythm and melody for modern Greek: tempo, pitch, etc. Is there a resource that either explains this, or has spoken conversation that represents modern Greek tempo and ...
5 votes
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What can teachers do to promote or increase mastery of 把 structures in Standard Chinese?

Each lesson in the Chinese series of texbooks New Practical Chinese Reader contains a section entitled "Master the following phrases". Below are a few examples from lesson 16 (in volume 2): 现在就去 - ...
5 votes
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What are some recommended iPhone apps for learning German?

I already use Duolingo, but feel as though it's not enough to propel my language skills and learn even more. Are there any German apps that are more grammar-based than vocab-based in the App Store (...
5 votes
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How and where can I begin learning grammar and syntax in their most abstract form?

I am interested in learning grammar and syntax. I use those words because that's what I learned in middle school, perhaps what I'm really trying to learn is more aptly described by the term '...
4 votes
0 answers

Resources similar to Nicos Weg for Finnish

While learning German, I've found Nicos Weg to be a good resource alongside, and sometimes even more useful than, Duolingo. It's a course provided by the German public international broadcaster ...
4 votes
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Do there exist resources to learn to mask autistic speech patterns?

There exist resources to help people with autism to understand, for example, prosodic elements they do not understand. However, I cannot find such resources for the sending end of these signals; I ...
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4 votes
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The "fully grammatical" approach towards learning Indo-European languages

I have stumbled upon this video on Youtube (sorry - it is in Russian). Here's a short summary: The spokesperson introduces the following scheme of learning an Indo-European language: "Learn by ...
4 votes
0 answers

Is there a Modern Hebrew chatbot that I can practice with?

An article from 2017 mentions that creating a text chatbot in Hebrew is more difficult than for Indo-European languages due to the morphological complexity of Hebrew verbs. The article then proposes a ...
4 votes
1 answer

Resources for teaching children Chinese

My nine-year-old son is bilingual English/French (British father, French mother) and absolutely devours books for his age in both languages (ie his reading age in both languages seems roughly equal), ...

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