This is normal. Cards are first considered [learning cards]( and Anki does not consider mistakes as lapses. Only when you have passed through the learning steps, the card is converted into a review card, and mistakes count.

So right, you most probably won't know the answer the first time, but you try to remember it, and see if you can get the answer right when the card comes up again (this, by the way, could be earlier than 10 minutes, if you don't have other cards to review in that interval).

Anki is very customizable, so if 10 minutes seems too long, or maybe you want a few more steps, then you can change those intervals under 'options' when you open your deck.

[By the way, I use the [Assimil]( method, and have my cards first pass through a '1st Wave' assimiliation deck, where the answer is shown _together_ with the question. During this '1st Wave' I just focus on understanding and pronunciation, hopefully assimilating some of the answers without effort at the same time. After a couple of weeks, when those cards have passed through a few review cycles and have reached a certain 'Interval' (i.e. time until the next review) then I 'reschedule' them in the browser (i.e. they start at 0 again) and move them to a regular '2nd Wave' review deck, where I have to supply the answer myself.]