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Questions tagged [romanian]

Questions about learning or teaching Romanian, a Romance language spoken mostly in Romania. Questions asking for explanations of grammar rules or word usage are off topic on this site.

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6 votes
1 answer

Do Romanian nouns use the same gender as corresponding Latin nouns?

Both Latin and Romanian have three noun genders - masculine, feminine, neuter. What is the level of correspondence between genders in these two languages? That is, do the same words use the same ...
AML's user avatar
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3 votes
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Can't find books to learn Romanian

I'm looking for books to learn Romanian. I have used searches such as "Romanian A1", "Romanian verbs", "Romanian vocabulary", but nothing. I mean, there were pages of ...
Jovem Escritor's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What resources are there for learning Romanian verb conjugation?

I'm currently learning Romanian language, and I have a question about the right conjugation of the verb 'to work', which is 'a lucra'. On this site, on the first tense, it's 'eu lucru'. But on another ...
informaticienzero's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What resources are there for learning Romanian in accordance with the CEFR ability levels?

I've tried searching around but I've not been able to find any information about CEFR in relation to the Romanian language. I was looking at the Wikipedia page for the CEFR and I can see that there ...
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