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Questions tagged [poetry]

Questions relating to poetry, a form of literature in which language is used for its aesthetic and/or evocative qualities, in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning.

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Recommended Language Learning Method to Write Poetry & Songs

If I am primarily interested in learning a language to write poetry and songs in it, in addition to reading poetry and listening to music, is there a recommended way to build writing skills? I imagine ...
K Man's user avatar
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Looking to get into Ancient Greek poetry in the original

I'm am currently an undergraduate in college studying Classical Languages. I know Koine Greek, and read through Geoffrey Steadman's edition of Plato's Apology, which I found a helpful introduction to ...
Phil's user avatar
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How shall a kid learn poetry?

My kid is almost 7 years old, that is to say he just enrolled in Y2. His English is ok -- he's read some Roald Dahl's beautiful stories (Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, BFG etc) and quite ...
athos's user avatar
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Persian/Arabic/Urdu poetry writing format? [closed]

I have mainly seen three types of poetry writing formats in Urdu. I suppose, Urdu is similar to Persian and Arabic. Examples of formats: All verses centered. Single verse per line. Two columns. Two ...
Jasim Khan Afridi's user avatar
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Short poem in Arabic

Is there a classic Arabic poem (irreligious, if it is possible) that resembles the Goethe's "Uber allen Gipfeln..."? By "resembles" I mean it's length and concise style. The reason I am looking for ...
Igor Deruga's user avatar
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Learn languages by memorizing rhymed poems

My native language is Portuguese and I had the initiative to read and memorize Os Lusíadas by Camões, the principal literary work in Portuguese. So I started to memorize the Divina Commedia by Dante ...
Jose Henrique's user avatar
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6 answers

What are the benefits or drawbacks of learning poetry?

What skills can be improved by learning by heart poems in the target language? Won't this inhibit the learning process as poems sometimes disobey common grammar rules?
Muzaffar's user avatar
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