As with trying to learn anything, language learning obviously takes time and practice, but many people, myself included, have limited time to dedicate to a language learning practice. With limited time available, optimizing the effectiveness of any dedicated practice is going to be beneficial.
With that in mind, I am interested to know if there are any studies on whether it is more effective to learn languages by doing a little practice every day, or by doing 1 or 2 longer study sessions a week? Perhaps somewhat of a combination with very short refreshers throughout the week and one dedicated session?
The benefits I could see with an everyday practice are less time between sessions to forget what you have learned. However, with only a little time each session you don't have as long to really repeat or solidify that vocabulary or grammar rule you were working on before you're done for the day. With longer sessions I'd imagine you'd be able to really get a good a grasp on whatever you are learning for the day through the extended dedicated practice.
In summary, which is better: fewer, longer study sessions, or more frequent, but shorter study sessions?
Any existing studies to support either option, or prove that neither is better than they other are appreciated.