Motivation: In Chinese grammar, there's a particle 了 which has two main uses: completion 了 (post-verb) and change-of-state 了 (end of sentence). I'm bad at using this particle (see How does someone train using 了 correctly? at Chinese.SE) and I want to find a way to train myself to use this particle correctly.
Question: I want to train myself to use the Chinese grammar particle 了 correctly: how do I go about doing that?
To illustrate what I have in mind: when I want to learn something in chess, I do it again and again (training, drills, repetition, familiarization, etc.) until it's hard for me to get it wrong. I'm after some kind of training program for learning the Chinese 了.
I asked basically the same question on Chinese.SE (the aforementioned How does someone train using 了 correctly?), however, I feel it might be more on topic here: it's about the learning process, and how to do so efficiently. The question could probably apply to other languages (I'd guess both Japanese and Korean). It's very possible learners of other languages have applicable skills.