I have a gift for learning languages, but I haven't made much use of it. There's people younger than me that know more languages than I do. The only one I've ever learned was German, and that was because I was listening to NDH metal at the time, which I don't do anymore.
I'm sick of my talent going to waste. I used to pride myself on how much more easily I could languages compared to everyone else around me. I don't get that joy anymore, because I have nothing to show for it other than my rusty German.
I tried to find a reason to do so just to increase my linguistic knowledge, but from what I've been told, that would be completely unnecessary and a waste of time.
I've heard it said a lot that learning languages helps with your brain health or something. Sadly, that's not enough motivation to try and get me to learn a language which I never use. I've never succeeded in learning any language that I had no use for. I have a pile of a dozen different language books in pristine condition that I bought over a decade ago, because I never used them much. The only one that actually shows any wear is my Spanish book. And no, I don't know Spanish.
Can anyone list some reasons to learn another language? I've already exhausted the biggest reasons. To learn to understand some foreigners, to broaden my knowledge on languages, to improve my own health. My own pride is really the only reason I keep trying. Its the only thing I've ever been good at. And I'm completely wasting it.